Program To Convet Binary Number Into Decimal In Cpp
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#include <iostream>
#include<cmath> // Library file included for using pow() function
using namespace std; // standar name space.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
long int bin; // variable is declared to get binary input
cout<<"Enter Binary Number: ";
cin>>bin; // taking input in variable
int dec = 0; // variable to store resultant decimal value
int i = 0; // counter variable
int rem; // variable rem is used to temporarily store remainders in loop.
while ( bin != 0 ) { // Loop until input number goes to 0
rem = bin % 10; // taking remainder of number. This will provide last digit
bin /= 10; // after taking last digit reducing number by last digit.
dec += rem * pow(2, i); // taking power of last digit by its position
i++; // incrementing counter variable to next position
cout<<dec; // printing calculated decimal number
return 0;