online Favicon Generator

Image Resizer
Image File is Missing!
Image Processor
  • Download generated Favicon.
  • This Favicon is high quality and sharp png file.
  • Which is compatible with every browsers.
  • Generated Fav-icon is of much smaller in size.
  • Which provides faster loading.
  • Use this Favicon as follows.


Favicon is small graphic that is displayed in title bar of webpage. This favicon normally represents the company logo. Now a days approximately every webpage/website display its favicon on the webpage. Bydefault a globe favicon is normally displayed by many web browsers.

Favicon Generator:

This online favicon generator will generate small graphic from the input image without loosig its basic information. This is free favicon generator. This image can be used for webpage by uploading it on the live sever.

Working of Favicon Generator:

We have to follow the following steps to generate favicon using this favicon generator.

  1. Click on Upload Image
  2. Select image from computer directory.
  3. Click on done after cropping image as per requirement.
  4. Image will be displayed in image box
  5. Wait while image uploaded on server.
  6. Click on generate favicon
  7. Finally download generated favicon.

Favicon HTML

After downloading favicon we can use the following HTML code to display favicon in browser title bar.

<link rel='icon' href='fav_icon.png' type="image/png" sizes="16x16" />


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