CPP Nested If Statement MCQ

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  4. Nested If Statement
  5. Multiple Choice Question

(1) In C/C++ can we use multiple if statements in nested if statement.

A) Yes
B) No
C) Only Single
D) Only Two

(2) In nested if statement which statement evaluated first ?

A) Inner
B) Outer
C) Nested
D) Closer

(3) In C/C++ how many levels of nested if statement is allowed!

A) Two
B) Four
C) Eight
D) Multiple

(4) Nested if statement with compound statements use the following parenthesis.

A) { }
B) [ ]
C) < >
D) ( )

(5) An if statement within another if statement is called.

A) Multiple if
B) Composite if
C) Nested if
D) Compund if


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