CPP Functions MCQ

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(1) Which of the following operator is used as argument separator?

A) Colon :
B) Comma ,
C) Semi colon ;
D) Dot .

(2) Which of the following combined called function definition?

A) Declaration and Header
B) Declaration and Body
C) Header and Body
D) Declaration and Header

(3) Semicolon is placed after function.

A) Declaration
B) Header
C) Body
D) Parameter

(4) How many type of parameters used in functions?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

(5) How many parts of function defination ?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

(6) Which of the following type is used for returning nothing from function ?

A) void
B) int
C) float
D) nothing

(7) Which of the following activate the function ?

A) Function Header
B) Function Body
C) Function Declaration
D) Function Call

(8) Which of the following include return statement ?

A) Function Header
B) Function Body
C) Function Declaration
D) Function Call

(9) Which of the following is similar to function declaration ?

A) Function Header
B) Function Defination
C) Function Body
D) None

(10) Which of the following is optional in function declaration ?

A) Parameter Identifiers
B) Function Identifier
C) Semicolon
D) Paramter Types

(11) Fucntion declaration is omitted when function is defined ___________ main() function.

A) Inside
B) Before
C) After
D) Anywhere

(12) Standard functions are declared and defined in.

A) Library files
B) Inside program
C) Inside compiler
D) None

(13) How many types of functions in C++ ?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

(14) Which of the following is used as output of functions in C++ ?

A) Identifier
B) Return Type
C) Arguments
D) All

(15) In C++ how many paramters a function can accept

A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Multiple

(16) Which of the following is used as identifier to funcntion?

A) Return Type
B) Name
C) Arguments
D) Range

(17) A function has following no of properties

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
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